Advanced Arabic Program
Explore Our Advanced Arabic Curriculum:
Level 7 - Advanced Arabic Curriculum
During this course, you will learn the following:
More vocabulary, expressions, and fluency
Learn more about Egyptian food, healthy and unhealthy foods, how to deal with the restaurants and detailed food orders
How to make sentences in a more complex way by using descriptive words such as “which” and “who”
Start using “because” in various situations
You will get more deep into the Egyptian culture understanding many expressions and vocabulary used when meeting people or admiring people
How to give advice, describe, and compare
How to solve problems effectively while using the language
Level 8 - Advanced Arabic Program
In this level you will be making excellent progress through our Advanced Arabic Curriculum. In this class you will cover:
Get more deep into the culture and share more about one’s life in Egypt and how it changed
Learn how to say “use to” in different tenses and share what you’ve experienced in your life
Communicate more about problems or challenges faced in the community and be able to give advice
Be able to share about experiences of your childhood and how it was fun or how you may have enjoyed it (ex. using “since I was”)
You will better understand how people borrow and lend things in the Egyptian culture so you can learn how to help others and support them
Learn how to apologize in kind ways
How to share about your life using the verb “to change”
Level 9 - Advanced Arabic Curriculum
During this course, you will learn the following:
How to express your feelings more accurately (ex. share what made you worry or what you are not worrying about)
How to share about your experience in high school and tell others about your experiences as a teenager
How to deal with more situations you may encounter when buying things or having something serviced (ex. expressing that there is a crack, something is broken, or there is a hole, etc.)
When you can make conversation using new vocabulary that is more descriptive (ex. shape / style of clothing)
How work in Egypt and unemployment systems work to better understand the culture and the economics
How to give advice to someone to improve their skills or make enhancements
Level 10 - Advanced Arabic Program
In this level you will be about halfway through our Advanced Arabic Curriculum. In this class you will:
Discuss friendships and relationships in Egypt on a deeper level
Learn how to effectively deal with neighbors by building strong relationships as this is very important in the Egyptian culture
Continue to gain more vocabulary and expressions
Learn how to express optimism or pessimism, and understand the tone of what people believe or don’t believe; and you’ll understand more deeply how this varies from culture to culture
Be able to discuss both good and bad habits, along with the ability to be able to give helpful advice
Level 11 - Advanced Arabic Curriculum
This level in your curriculum will help you:
Learn how to share about your role models, who you look up to you, your hero in life (you will learn various vocabulary for this as well as Egyptian expressions)
Be able to explain your favorite foods in more detail and how to explain how to make it (learning to cut, mince, grill, etc.)
Discuss and give advice about short term goals and long term goals to help someone improve one’s life and create aligned priorities
Use adverbs (easily, slowly) to discuss one’s level of commitment and how to be committed to work or how to be committed in the community
Discuss problems about families, giving advice to raise the children in creative ways
Level 12 - Advanced Arabic Program
In this level you will be about halfway through our Advanced Arabic Curriculum. In this class you will:
Discuss about the influence of the media (learning passive and active tenses)
Talk about the superstitions in Egypt and what people believe about these (learning new vocabulary and expresions)
Learn to suggest, offer advice, make offers, request, or insist (gain more experience in these areas)
How to give excuses and apologies or explain more about indecencies as they come up in situations in the Egyptian culture
Discuss more about the noise and learning how to speak about and handle noise disturbances, annoyances, etc.
Learn more adjectives about how to describe one’s personality or character traits
Help with the problems or challenges of faith
Discuss more about addictions, how to help people get away from bad habits, and how to help people improve
After completing this curriculum, many students still continue on to our Superior Advanced program.